Creamy honey is obtained with a special technology. The product is poured into a device that stirs the honey in a gentle mode, stirring it four times a day, each time for 15 minutes. Product preparation takes place in ten days. Stirring disrupts the structure of the large crystals that form when honey becomes sugary. The crystals are small, so the product is flexible. Creamed honey will not harden. The honey is not heated and nothing is mixed in. Creamed honey is real honey, only with a creamy consistency. !!! We have noticed that the honey pot was transported by courier - after the package was shaken - white powder appeared on top of the honey pot. This foam is honey glucose, and its release indicates that the honey has not been heat-treated. In other words, the foam confirms that you have bought a natural product. The rate of foaming depends on the amount of glucose and fructose in the honey itself. If foam has appeared in your honey pot - PLEASE stir the honey pot with a spoon and keep it for a while in a cold temperature like a refrigerator, so that the honey pot returns to its consistency - without foam and PLEASE do not keep the honey pot in a warm room!!!